New Children’s Novel Release: 《YIYI & THE AMAZING WISH HAT》


Vivian Wang falls into a coma after a suspicious hit and run accident. Her only child Yiyi, on the other hand, is told that her mother has abandoned her. While faithfully waits for Vivian’s return, the 10-year-old girl has to overcome all kinds of hardships and obstacles. Every time she meets with a life-threatening danger, a strange power saves her from the peril. Yiyi believes her mom’s blue straw hat is somehow responsible for her marvelous luck…

Purchase 《YiYi & the Amazing Wish Hat》on


本书为《了不起的依依》系列小说的第一部,续集 The Girl Who Reads Palm《读掌纹的女孩》发生在依依17岁时,依依介入一起谋杀案的调查,她的特殊能力(通过读掌纹知晓命运)使自己陷入极度的危险当中……完结篇The City Protectors《城市守护者》讲述了24岁的依依已是一名明星记者,在调查美国司法机构的贪腐丑闻的过程中,她发现了当年父母神秘失踪的惊人内幕…..


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Chinese Version of THE THOUSAND YEAR PROMISE – PART I – THE EYE OF PHOENIX 《凤凰眼》has been released worldwide

On October 26th, 2017, Fiberead Publishing Co. in China has released the Chinese Version of THE THOUSAND YEAR PROMISE – PART I – THE EYE OF PHOENIX

2017年10月26日,北京纤阅出版社发行了《一诺千年》 之首部曲 《凤凰眼》的中文版电子书。


An ancient prophecy foretells the fate of the bloodline of Lord Dearborn

An unfulfilled oath breaks the bond between two enchanting lovers

The thousand year promise opens the gate of the paradise

The curse that imprisons the beauty shall greet the challenge of a true warrior






The Eye of Phoenix (Fiberead page)《一诺千年》CSC

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Novel Appreciation “Hidden Scent”

Novel Appreciation “Hidden Scent”– A Ghost Story That Steals Your Heart






《暗香》中涉及到的艺术与音乐的话题使读者从以往古板的、不健全的认知中获得了全新的领悟。比如有位朋友多年来一直以为 莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)是位古典音乐歌后,只擅长于传统歌剧及百老汇歌舞剧。通过小说才了解到她实乃英国古典和流行跨界音乐女高音歌手。在她的倾情演绎下,古典音乐增加了一丝空灵的意境,而流行歌曲则平添了几分超俗的美感。同样的,比利时歌手赫尔穆特·洛蒂(Helmut Lotti),以跨界演绎古典、民歌、流行音乐闻名。他的嗓音可洪亮激昂,可悠扬温婉,深得各个年龄层的喜爱。而红遍欧美的荷兰小提琴家安德烈·瑞欧(Andre Rieu),其作品更是将古典音乐与大众音乐进行了完美融合,真正达到雅俗共赏的境界。




To Purchase English Version of Hidden Scent(英文版《暗香》可在亚马逊网站购买),Please Visit: <Hidden Scent> on Amazon  

To Purchase Chinese Version of Hidden Scent 《暗香》, (中文版《暗香》可在“纤阅”(Fiberead) 出版社网站购买,Please Visit: Hidden Scent (Chinese)


《暗香》- Hidden Scent – A Song that Inspires the Novel

To learn more about the Novel and the Author, please visit Amazon Author Central

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Chinese Version of “Hidden Scent” 《暗香》has been published and released worldwide

On October 28th, 2016, Fiberead Publishing Co. in China has released the Chinese Version of Hidden Scent 《暗香》.


The first day of its release, the novel hits Amazon China Best-selling New Novel List , and New Literature Collection (top 100) List. Without much of publicity, the novel has been staying on the lists since it’s release date.



《暗香》中文版推出首日便登上亚马逊中国电子书 “小说集新品排行榜” 和 “文学作品集新品排行榜”,并且在未进行广泛宣传的情况下持续停留在榜单内至今。


Inspiration for the Story Hidden Scent…

The first time hearing a song “Hidden Scent” (Mandarin title “An Xiang”) many years ago, I was instantly captivated by its stirring melody and beautiful lyrics. In my mind, a wonderful story is like a piece of enduring music. It grows beyond the boundary of language, culture and racial barriers.

While my novel Hidden Scent is a love story about second generation American Born Chinese, the core of the tale reaches deeper into the emotions of everyone whose life might be touched by tragedy and hardships. Virtue and darkness co-exist inside of a human entity. It’s the constant struggle to maintain one’s purity and kindness differentiate us from other creatures that walk the face of the earth.

If my story affects the readers the same way it had moved me when I first created it, then I have succeeded in my cause—excavating extraordinary qualities in the ordinary people.

Life is not always full of sunshine and gladness. In the moment of fragility and hopelessness, simply open your heart and look around you. There are plenty of goodness and beauty in the world waiting to be learned.








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Paranormal Mystery Suspense Novel “Hidden Scent”

New Novel Release: Hidden Scent (Paranormal Mystery Suspense)

Hidden Scent Kindle Amazon Page:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Hidden Scent CSC

About the Story:

Young Kim’s father, a famous artist, suddenly dies in a drowning accident. He leaves all his fortune to a 22-year-old orphan, Ellin Yoon. A failed robbery attempt and the merciless slaying of the housekeeper unveil a deadly secret, which Young’s father tried desperately to protect. As the body count continues to pile up, Young realizes his father has unleashed a supernatural phenomenon that kills. To save the one he loves, the hero comes face to face with the malicious, powerful, yet amorphous murderer…

Hidden Scent is a fast-paced paranormal, mystery suspense novel peppered with humor, romance and many refreshing surprises.


金阳的父亲, 著名画家金铭泰, 突然死于溺水事故。 他将庞大的遗产赠与一名22岁的孤女尹悦。一起入室抢劫凶杀案将金铭泰隐藏了多年的秘密推上台面。在追查真相的过程中更多的人离奇死亡,而所有恐怖事件都与女继承人尹悦有所关联。一本日记将父亲尘封多年的往事揭开。金阳赫然发现杀人“凶手”竟是被父亲的画笔所唤醒的孤魂。而它下一个目标正是自己最心爱的人。。。

如果你喜欢古典文学聊斋志异中的故事, 那么你一定会爱上这部发生在美国纽约的现代灵异惊险悬疑爱情小说《暗香》。 它是一部将中国传统文化和美国(西方)现代文化完美结合的作品。故事集幽默,惊悚,悬疑,纯爱为一体。

Hidden Scent Kindle cover

Book Review:

This is indeed a paranormal mystery suspense novel, a fiction that is so educative, interesting to read and keeps one in suspense as each chapter unfolds. The use of traditional words, phrases and idioms made it more fun and explanatory for readers. It reveals the emotions, thought and feelings of the characters. It explains vividly the trauma faced in life when it comes to relationship and adventure. The writer did a perfect work by going further to reveal the effect of immoral act (Lies) and its consequence. The conscious and subconscious mind of humans was revealed and positive outcome of letting go the past and to live a new life. There is no doubt that kudos should be given to the author for displaying professionalism and having an adept knowledge in drawing the story to a reconcilable and joyful end.

  • Lucy Darius (U.S.) writer, proofreader, editor & critic

《暗香》是一部真正的超自然悬疑惊险小说,内容具知识性趣味性为一体,让读者的心跟随故事情节的发展而波荡起伏。书中所引用的经典词句和成语使小说更加栩栩如生。主人公的情绪,思想和感受被淋漓尽致的描绘出来。作者用诙谐动情的文笔完美的呈现出人性的阴暗与挣扎,以及渴望将过去的罪恶埋葬,拥抱崭新未来的愿望。毫无疑问, 作者以她专业的文笔和丰富的知识勾勒出一个有深度,动人且美好的故事。


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The Chinese Version of “The Thousand Year Promise” is soon to be released worldwide

One month after Fantasy Adventure Novel <The Thousand Year Promise > Volume I <The Eye of Phoenix> got published on Amazon, an auspicious Chinese publishing company (Fiberead) acquires the rights to translate the novel into Chinese, and distribute it to the Chinese Market Worldwide.


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The Magic World of “The Thousand Year Promise”

The Thousand Year Promise is a fantasy adventure trilogy.

An ancient prophecy foresees the fate of the bloodline of Lord Dearborn;

An unfulfilled oath breaks the bond between two enchanting lovers;

A thousand year promise unlocks the gate to the world of paradise;

The curse that casts upon an imprisoned soul shall welcome the challenge of a fearless warrior.

This is the story of “The Thousand Year Promise”.  The Eye of Phoenix begins the timeless tale.  

一个古老的传说预言了迪尔邦王族的命运, 一个没有兑现的承诺令深爱的情侣天人永隔。千年之约开启了通往圣土之门,禁锢亡灵的魔咒将面临勇者的挑战。

In the first book – The Eye of Phoenix, a disastrous hunting excursion turns Arden Dearborn’s life upside down. Accused of killing his father, the Lord of Londenberg, Arden is forced to flee into the wilderness, while his older brother Devlan takes over the city. A voice guides him to a mysterious castle, where he encounters a beautiful young woman, Sarah. Arden learns that Devlan is plotting another assassination to overthrow their father. With the help of a mystical device, Arden returns home, in time to shield Lord Dearborn from certain doom. An evil enchantress wounds Sarah with a fatal spell. On the brink of death, Sarah is brought back to her homeland – ShangeLilar. Only the Eye of Phoenix can save her life, the crown jewel of her motherland. To seek the woman he loves, Arden ventures into the treacherous wilderness and goes on a journey of no return…






Concerning the Main Characters in the Story:

Arden Dearborn (protagonist)  the chosen one who will break the thousand year old curse, and save Sarah, the woman he loves and her kingdom – ShangeLilar from certain doom.

Sarah Hillden (the princess of ShangeLilar) she receives the soul of Lady Esdella Lalunna, who had been cursed for a thousand years. To break the deadly cycle, one man has to sacrifice his life for her.

Angoles (alias:Silver Moon)  the youngest member of the Evelin Race, the fairest of all beings, ageless, noble and courageous, yet his destiny is one of loneliness and heartbreak. He feels responsible for Lady Lalunna’s untimely death and vows to break the thousand year old curse that was cast upon her soul. His quest, however, carries deadly consequences.

Johnston Dearborn The Lord of Londenberg,  he falls in love with Arden’s mother, who died after giving birth to Arden, and is forced to take on a wife, whom he does not love.

Devlan Dearborn Lord Dearborn’s only son and heir. He has never received love from his father. His affection for Arden’s fiancée, Ann-Marrie drives him to the edge of insanity. He collaborates with an evil sorcerer and sets out to conquer ShangeLilar, the last paradise on earth.

Marian Swanson – Lord Dearborn’s wife, Devlan’s birth mother. She passed away when Devlan was just 13 years old.

Ann-Marrie Silverman Arden’s fiancée, the woman Devlan fancies for.

Darven Complee – A knight who once served and betrayed the King of ShangeLilar, ambitious and evil. He believes the power of the Eye of Phoenix will grant him longevity and eternal youth.

Erod Kinsley – The unwilling assassin who was sent by Devlan to murder his own father Lord Dearborn. Later, he uses his exceptional fighting skills to help Arden win the war against the evil forces.

Duke Peacock – A bird like creature that talks like a human being. He is Angoles’s faithful friend and companion, and may alter its appearance whenever needed.

Lady Inge (also known as the Lady of Light) an Evelin with the ability of summoning the lost souls. She often transforms into a fleeting light as a way of preserving her youth and beauty.

Milendi (alias Silver Ray) An Evelin, older and wiser, he helps Angoles in the war against the evil force. He carries a magic mirror that has the power to display the fate of an Evelin.

Oglise (also known as a man without past) Milendi’s young companion, a man with mysterious background. Milendi rescues him from an unman island.

Bretria an evil enchantress who often takes the form of a snake. She is responsible for the initiation of the Thousand Year Old Curse.

Aarond – a flaming monster that lives in a cave. He enjoys playing a word game with his victims, and he has never lost a round until he encounters Angoles.

Let your imagination fly: anyone who wishes to create art works for those characters please feel free to do so. The art piece should be saved as JPEG file, and submitted to: . There is no deadline for the submission. All the art works will be posted on this site and works of excellence shall be made into a YouTube video for the public to download and share.


Interesting facts regarding the creation of the main characters and their names

Fact 1:  The inspiration for the heroin – Sarah

The author has been a long time fan of classical singer Sarah Brightman. She named the heroin after her idol.

Fact 2: The inspiration for the hero – Arden

Since the author likes the original Star Wars movies very much, she named her hero “Luke”, but later thought that name is too well known, and she didn’t want to create another character resembles the famous Jedi, so she changed it to “Adam”. However, she found out one of her co-workers at the time has the same first name. To make her hero a bit more unique, she finally settled on the name Arden, not perfect, but will do for now.


Fact 3: The inspiration for the unsung hero – Angoles 

In the original tale that was created around 2003, the character Angoles did not exist. After the movie “The Lord of the Rings” got hugely popular,  one day, the author turned on the TV and caught a glimpse of Legolas swinging backwards onto a horse, and the rest is a history, la la, Angoles is born, and he owes it to Orlando Bloom.


Fact 4: The inspiration for the villain – Darven Complee

Every adventure tale has an evil character. The hateful villain Darven Complee is based on a real person in the author’s life…

man in black cape

Famous Quotes From Other Authors:

“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
Quotes by C.S. Lewis

“Chance is the first step you take, luck is what comes afterward.”

— Amy Tan

From The Kitchen God’s Wife

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

— J.R.R. Tolkien, from the Lord of the Rings 

“The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Not everyone can become a great artist. But a great artist can come from anywhere.

— from movie “Ratatouille”  Ego’s Speech.

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